Dokumentarisch aufbereitetes Portrait des Waldkindergartens Graz
Public relation work for the union NaturGanzNah

This bachelor thesis entitled Dokumentarisch aufbereitetes Portrait des Waldkindergartens Graz represents an examination of the volatile political and legal situation of the forest nursery domiciled in Graz. It includes extensive and multidisciplinary approaches both in theoretical and practical regards namely the field of a cinematical realization based on Direct Cinema, Cinéma Vérité and Bill Nichols, development of a complete Corporate Design and various woodwork, containing the development of a book press, as well as a unique solution for book binding this piece of work.

The theoretical part consists of a time-historical and country specific discussion, including the crucial evolutions and acquirements in documentary film making. In addition, it exposes essential aspects of a sustainability-based and forest-related education activities for children, as well was the current situation of the forest nursery.

The practical part includes a detailed description about the design and manufacturing process of the documentary and the development of the visual representation of the forest nursery located in Graz. Furthermore, it provides a profound insight into the crafting process and production of a handcrafted book, book covers, a slipcase for the book and business cards made out of light domestic walnut.

Responsibility: Wood working, Laser cutting, Printing, Stamping, Cinematic examination, Construction of the book binding press, Corporate Design, Logo, Business cards, Process of book binding